Saturday, June 27, 2020

Diabarha, Eater of Sheep & Lysergide - Tritone Paradox [ERGN04]

Three artists, three styles, one paradoxical Extratone collaboration! Rejected by several cutting-studios for risking damage to equipment, this is one of the hardest records you will ever hear. Too much for conventional lacquer, the master-disc had to be forged in copper to avoid blowing things up!

Diabarha kicks things off with haunting melodies, one of the greatest build-ups in Extratone history, and then unleashing the monster! Tones so feral they sound less like music and more like an animal!

In the middle, starting Side B, there's some crunchy rhythmic Extratone from Eater of Sheep, familiar tracks delicately refined for a much richer sound, and little bursts of Supertones here and there.

Finally, Lysergide drops two profoundly melodic tracks of a dizzyingly high standard. For 'Great Red Dragon', Lysergide conjures up a bewilderingly complex blend of sound and emotion: so captivating that even your neighbours won't mind braving the drum-storms.

Huge huge huge thanks to Lysergide for mastering (and endlessly remastering) the tracks, and to Neil of Guttercvnt for helping us through some tough technical issues. This would not have been possible without you!

A free digital version of the album will come out in the future if and when enough copies have been sold to break even.

Friday, June 12, 2020

DZKYIN - Experimentatone 2.0 [ERGN-NET06]

The two tracks that stand out here are 'Extratone Sample Experiment', for its ferocity, and 'New World Extratone', for its vocals and flexes packed neatly into the overall rhythm. Filling in the gaps, we have two ultra-minimalist tracks, 'Drilling My Head' and 'Experimentatone 2.0'. At the other end of the scale is the lengthy 'Cerebral Dysfunction', noisy yet ambient.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Phuture Extratone Episode 11 (by Cryptokid & W.T.F.)

New month! New podcast! New co-host!
First, Cryptokid brings his cold, twisted mind-melting frequencies and then Speedsick Lunatic and Tonegenerator come back with an absolutely ferocious XTRTN mix as WTF: the World Tone Federation. Two absolutely incredible mixes well worth waiting for! As if that weren't enough, I am joined by a co-host, Flyswatter!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Phuture Extratone Episode 10 (by Hexagen66 and The Speedsick Lunatic)

The podcast returns. Hexagen66 and The Speedsick Lunatic! What a lovely combination!

I was planning on making it very "pro" with special effects and new sound designs, but my software wasn't working (I forgot to download something) so I kept it 100% 2019-style.

Monday, March 30, 2020

PilzKrieger & Flyswatter - Schlangenfresser [ERGN-NET05]

An EP full of the unexpected!
The first shock is a speedcore track from PilzKrieger... what? Rest assured that it still sounds great, and is shortly followed by the uncompromising extratone style we love him for!
Then comes a second surprise in the form of Flyswatter, fusing primitive PilzKrieger-esque sounds with more complex and rhythmic tones! Already demonstrating a unique and fascinating style, we cannot imagine what this rapidly-improving young artist will come up with next!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

MG Mucus - Fonz And Patch [ERGN03]

"it's a piece of wax ... it's some costly shit ... dunno really" - MG Mucus

MG Mucus predicts a massive financial hit for Extratone Regeneration, understandably doubting whether his FLEXTONE shit will ever sell! The price is high just to minimise loss, we're losing money either way, dignity too... I mean really... it is just hot wax, and not much of it at that! We're charging people for this? Hahahahahaha
If you're thinking of buying a copy, get help. Seriously. What the flex is wrong with you?

Hey, now you can make the weirdest flex of all: "Flextone? Got it on vinyl, mate!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Extratone Reborn Compilation [ERGN-NET04]

We're back! Extratone lives!
Harrowing screams, flex, marvellous melodies and unfathomable tempos, all in one VRRRRRRRRR-heavy complilation... thing. Huge thanks to all the artists who sent tracks <3

Sadly this version is unmastered due to problems with the mastering-mans computer, maybe there will be a mastered re-release one day, but I simply cannot keep these great tracks to myself any longer!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Smiderpan - Pastel Hierarchy [ERGN-NET03]

Smiderpan (noisy side project of Eater of Sheep) has churned out another batch of unsophisticated unpleasantness. Yuck!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

SPaCeyAlieN ‎– Extratone Dissorder Part 2 [ERGN-NET02]

SPaCeyAlieN spawns some more extratone! This EP contains speedcore segments, melodies, tones (obviously) and weird stretched out vocal samples too. Always speeding up or slowing down, it delivers a varied and disorientating experience!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Death To Your Eardrums - Wake Up! [ERGN-NET01]

Death To Your Eardrums returns, bringing with him a new attitude for the new decade! You'll have serious difficulty dozing off with these tracks creeping around in your collection. This 4 track EP has enough high-power drum-blasts to shake you awake and enough clinical ultra-sharp tones to "put you to sleep" for good.